Monday, May 8, 2017

6 Advanced Technology Made in Japan That Should Make You Awe!

Advanced Technology Made in Japan That Should Make You Awe! - When asked about a tourist destination, it is not impossible if you enter Japan into it. Because Japan is not only synonymous with manga and anime only, Japan also has natural beauty with many interesting cultures.

Not stop there, in Japan also many emerging sophisticated invention and the latest technology. Even a lot of technology in Japan will surely amaze you!

6 Advanced Technology Made in Japan That Should Make You Awe!

  • Mainichi Shimbun newspaper
Instead of making a newspaper so we read as a fried wrapper, why not try cultivation? Like the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper called the green newspaper. The newspaper in Japan can be planted after finished reading, so as to keep the environment. Cool, is not it?

  •  Robobear

Robobear is not just any robot. This robot can lift an adult and help him walk. In short, Japan has succeeded in creating sophisticated technology that could become an assistant parent. Cool, is not it?

  • Special Smartphone Toilet Tissue
Often use toilet paper as a screen cleaner on a smartphone? No more, because it can make your smartphone screen scratched.

As a solution, in Japan, there are special smartphone wipes that you know! Besides can be used to clean the screen smartphone, special toilet tissue smartphones are making a username and password WiFi that you can use while in the toilet airport.

  • Kodomoroid And Otonoid
National Museum of National Science and Innovation Japan was elected two new staff, namely Codomoroid and Otonaroid. Android Robot is ready to welcome and explain some items, including bottle news.

Both Android robot developed in 2014 and then made by Hiroshi Ishiguro. Previously he once made an Android robot that imitates himself.

  • Automatic Bike Parking System

Instead of crowding the train, the Japanese prefer to ride a bicycle to go to the office. Parking bikes in Japan will not be complicated. Because in Japan there is a special bicycle-auto parking.

  • Automatic Vending Machine

To reduce the use of power waiters, in Japan there is a vending machine. The latest technology in Japan is usually stored in front of shop or restaurant entrance to record visitor order.

Which is sophisticated technology in Japan your favorite?

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